Wireshark capture packets for bluetooth
Wireshark capture packets for bluetooth

wireshark capture packets for bluetooth

See comments for the answer - the traffic was encrypted.

wireshark capture packets for bluetooth wireshark capture packets for bluetooth

I'm still not sure why this is not showing in Wireshark when capturing over the Hollong packet sniffer device. I have been able to get the ATT protocol traffic of the same packet sequence by enabling the Bluetooth HCI log on my Android device and opening up the resulting log file in Wireshark ( link). How can I actually see what data is being sent over BLE? Here is a screenshot of the captured packets summary: Field name Description Type Versions bluetooth.addr: Source or Destination: Ethernet or other MAC address: 2.0.0 to 4.0.0: bluetooth. Bluetooth is a wireless network protocol that is designed for low-power consumption and. Launch a console with the admin privileges and type. Wireshark can be used to capture packets flowing in a network. Find a file named btvs.exe in folder x86. Install the package and find the files (usually it will install in C:\BTPversion). I'm not sure how to decode these L2CAP packets - there's no "conversation" shown as it would be when following IP packets. To capture Bluetooth traffic using Wireshark you will need the BTP software package, you can get it here. (also, when the measurement is complete, no new packets seem to appear in Wireshark). I start the "measurement" process from the Android device, which then seems to show up as a stream of L2CAP packets in WIreshark I'm capturing packets between my Android device and my E3 Airmon air quality checker device. I'm using the Hollong Bluetooth 4.0/4.1/4.2 BLE Sniffer hardware to capture BLE packets which are then displayed in Wireshark.

Wireshark capture packets for bluetooth